COMING SOON! America's's fun and exciting!
I read lots of social media. I take time to read the thoughts of others on a daily basis.
And each and every day, it provokes these questions.
What are we doing?
What are we doing to our children?
What are we doing to our pets?
What are we doing to our country?
What are we doing to ourselves?
What are we doing to our Lord?
This has become a mean-spirited and widely divided country.
With every day that passes, Satan is gaining ground. We must rise above this. The 'silent majority' no longer rules and is barely even recognized.
Don't be afraid to take a stand.
Political Correctness must end here and now!
Speak your mind and follow it with the work to make America unified and great again!
-Danny Palmer
I work on three planes....
I work in the present, laying elaborate plans for the future, while learning from and preserving the past.
-Danny Palmer
Just Some Fun Stuff...............Just Some Fun Stuff...............Just Some Fun Stuff...............Just Some Fun Stuff...............
Business is a combination of war and sports!
-Danny Palmer